What most frustrates you about the country you most identify with? Menciona aquello que más te frustra del país con el cual te identificas. Ano ang isang bagay na lubos mong ikinalulungkot tungkol sa bansang pinaka nakikilala mo? 您最有認同感的國家有什麼地方讓您最感失望?
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Hubris. I feel like unfounded self-confidence and optimism is the fatal American flaw. (San Francisco, CA)

The president (San Francisco, CA)

Femicide. The little girls that go missing. The trans women that are killed. Machismo is not only dangerous but has proven deadly. Mexico is a country and culture that would be nothing without the Mothers and Grandmothers and Sisters. Protect all women. (San Francisco, CA)

Trump (San Francisco, CA)

The government. Many of the politicians in power just care about maintaining their power instead of working for the people. It's no wonder people don't trust the government (I'm not that jaded but I move in that direction). The question is too big to answer. (Chicago, IL)

We don't seem concerned with creating a SOCIETY that functions for all it's members. (San Francisco, CA)