If you were a lawyer and were assigned a case you were morally opposed to, what would you do? ¿Qué harías si fueras un abogado y te asignaran un caso contrario a tu moral? Kung ikaw ay isang abogado at binigyan ka ng isang kaso na salungat sa iyong moralidad, ano ang gagawin mo? 如果您是一名律師,並接手了一個您在道德上有所抵觸的案件,您會怎麼做?
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I wouldn't do this job- I wouldn't go for it (Palo Alto, CA)

I think I would have to turn it down for moral reasons. And if it meant I'd be fired? I would like to think I would still turn it down. Money isn't everything. Perhaps I would be working for the wrong firm and should find a more appropriate job. (Chicago, IL)